What are brake pads

  Brake pads are also called brake pads. In the braking system of the car, the brake pad is the most critical safety part, and the brake pad plays a decisive role in the quality of all braking effects.

The working principle of the brake is mainly from friction. The friction between the brake pad and the brake disc (drum) and the tire and the ground is used to convert the kinetic energy of the vehicle into the heat energy after friction, and the car is stopped. A good and efficient braking system must be able to provide stable, sufficient and controllable braking force, and have good hydraulic transmission and heat dissipation capabilities to ensure that the force exerted by the driver from the brake pedal can be fully and effectively transmitted to the master cylinder And each sub-pump, and avoid hydraulic failure and brake recession caused by high heat. The brake system on the car is divided into two categories: disc and drum, but in addition to the cost advantage, the efficiency of drum brakes is far less than that of disc brakes, so the discussed braking system will only be disc brakes. host

Brake lining is generally composed of steel plate, adhesive insulation layer and friction block. The steel plate should be coated to prevent rust. During the coating process, the SMT-4 furnace temperature tracker is used to detect the temperature distribution of the coating process to ensure quality. The thermal insulation layer is composed of materials that do not transfer heat, and the purpose is to insulate. The friction block is composed of friction materials and adhesives. When braking, it is squeezed on the brake disc or brake drum to generate friction, so as to achieve the purpose of decelerating and braking the vehicle. Due to friction, the friction pads will gradually wear out, generally speaking, the lower the cost of the brake pads, the faster the wear. After the friction material is used, the brake pads should be replaced in time, otherwise the steel plate and the brake disc will be in direct contact, and eventually the braking effect will be lost and the brake disc will be damaged.

Classification of brake pads

Brake pads for disc brakes

Brake shoes for drum brakes

Receipts for large trucks

Brake shoes, commonly known as brake pads, are consumables that will gradually wear out during use. When they are worn to the limit, they must be replaced, otherwise the braking effect will be reduced, and even safety accidents will be caused. Brake shoes are life-threatening and must be handled with care.

Under normal driving conditions, check the brake shoes every 5000 kilometers, not only to check the remaining thickness, but also to check the wear state of the shoes, whether the wear degree on both sides is the same, and whether the return is free, etc., and abnormal conditions are found. must be dealt with immediately.

The brake shoe is generally composed of two parts: iron lining plate and friction material. Be sure not to replace the shoe after the friction material is worn out. For example, the front brake shoe of the Jetta (Gallery Forum) car has a new thickness of 14 mm, while the maximum thickness of the replacement is 7 mm, including more than 3 mm of iron lining thickness and nearly 4 mm of friction material thickness. Some vehicles have brake shoe alarm function. Once the wear limit is reached, the meter will alarm to prompt to replace the shoe. The shoe that has reached the limit of use must be replaced. Even if it can still be used for a period of time, it will reduce the effect of braking and affect the safety of driving.

When replacing, replace the brake pads provided by the original spare parts. Only in this way can the braking effect between the brake pads and the brake disc be the best and the wear and tear is minimized. ¸

A special tool must be used to push back the brake cylinder when replacing the shoe. Do not use other crowbars to press back hard, which will easily bend the guide screws of the brake caliper and cause the brake pads to be stuck.

After the replacement, be sure to step on the brakes a few times to eliminate the gap between the shoe and the brake disc, causing the first foot to fail to brake, which is prone to accidents.

After the brake shoe is replaced, it needs to be run in for 200 kilometers to achieve the best braking effect. The newly replaced shoe must be driven carefully



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